Wednesday, 8 June 2011

again !

Date : 8th June 2011
Location : Katil

After I received a call from my dad from his work place,I realy get shocked.
again ! again and again .
This 2 ' stupid ' person datang and tunggu depan my dad punye office?
untuk ape pulak kali ni ?
They told my dad , yang I larikan duit LAGI.kali ni RM500.haha
Hari tu , RM6000.00 then tiba tiba tinggal RM1209.00 ?
byk gile beza kot.
This time I xtakut untuk lawan .
Sory , I x amik duit u.
I x amik duit company
I x amik duit customer.
Cerita dia : This customer give me RM500.00 , but I didnt open receipt for her.
This is BECAUSE the RM500.00 tu I bagi pada runner utk run kan set karaoke which is the cost is RM400.00 ya , and the balance RM100 is for the decoration for the main table .
And I still keep the receipt till now.Cuma nya x berkesempatan nk jumpa customer ni and bagi resit ni sebab by dat time I ade prob.And after a few times nak cuba berjumpa,ade je masalah.And after tu I pegi KL.
so I decide utk handover kan bnd ni pada my friend.
sebelum U all nak amik action - konon nak report polis and bwk this customer utk jadi saksi,y not tny dulu.
senang kan I boleh explain?That is my function,msti la I kena bg detail kat my freind.
MASALAH cuma xberkesempatan nak jumpa.
skunk da jadi mcm ni.
And I already called this customer and explain to her evryting.
Baru la dia FAHAM.

So sekarang dengan keadaan my dad yang sakit jantung sebab gara-gara semalam ,
I rasa MALU

Shud I saman MALU ?
And make 2nd report police bila diorng da berani jejakkan KAKI KOTOR diorng kat my dad punya office ?

Nampak x tu resit rasmi tu ,tertera RM400 utk karaoke set & Light ?

Kesimpulan , diorng x kan lepaskan I mcm tu je after they knew I already make police report and aduan kat Pejabat Buruh . Haha . Go ahead .


  1. stand up for your right!!!! =)

  2. haha.thank naim
    yes,i will.
    walaupon saya hanya insan kerdil,tapi sy x kan mengalah
    thank for da support ya :)
